12 August 2009

Healthcare in America: The Issues

Good day, family and friends!

As promised last time, I have one more term to define...

A-mer-i-can Pro-gres-siv-ism - noun
The political philosophy that blends socialism and fascism, originally outlined and defined by John Dewey and Herbert Croly at the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th Centuries, and embraced by Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt. Progressivism is a system of government marked by centralization of authority under an elite administrative class, stringent socioeconomic controls, marginalization of individual rights, limited private ownership of property, moral relativism, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent elitist nationalism. The progressive philosophy views the common citizen as rabble incapable of self-determination and in need of guidance by the intellectual elite. Since its inception, this movement has been known as Progressivism, New Nationalism, Social Progressivism, Intellectualism, The New Deal, Liberalism, and American Progressivism.*

Some of you may be wondering why, if I'm trying to take a completely logical, scientific look at the state of healthcare in America, I'm defining so many terms that most people deem to be political. Its because one must understand the source of a problem before one can focus on a solution that actually resolves the problem and does not make it worse in the long run. The definitions of these political philosophies are important so that we can understand the source of many of the ideas being thrown around as 'solutions,' and by extension, the motive behind many of these ideas.

But the true starting point lies with the first three definitions I provided: healthcare, healthcare system, and insurance. I'm starting here because, when most people speak of 'healthcare in America,' they are actually lumping together two different issues...Access to Healthcare in America, and The Affordability of Medical Insurance (a.k.a Healthcare Coverage) in America. Therefore, my analysis and accompanying suggestions of solutions will be split into these two categories. starting with Access to Healthcare in America.

Until next time, best regards...

* Summarized definition consolidated from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition and American Progressivism by R.J. Pestritto and William J. Atto.

© James P. Rice 2009

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